These were bought for my grandson of who is tall but slim, so that the waist of these is 2-3 inches too wide, without them being too long for him. We presumed that the two ends of tape sticking out were real drawstrings and were really disappointed to discover that’s not the case.His Mum and I are currently trying to decide whether they will be too bulky if we run elastic through the waist band or whether to send them back to you. To complicate matters, after the four pairs arrived with me in Norfolk, I sent these two pairs on to Edinburgh as my grandson had worn though the knees of his old ones. The other two pairs which I ordered are appliquéd and I have kept them here to give him at Christmas, so now I need to try to work out whether they are likely to be too big round the waist as well. The reason I have put ‘average value’ is because in order to use them, I would have to feed in an elastic waistband. I have to say that I was really pleased when I found these lovely joggers, especially those with the secret pocket things, so was very disappointed by the poor fit. I would have expected a company like Jo Jo Maman to have enough experience to make clothes that would fit a range of children and especially that they would be designed to be adjustable.